Thursday, October 15, 2009

SPRING TIME---means graduation!

Justin and Jeff decided it was time to take a nap during high school graduation!
Alyssa graduated class of 09 from Timpanogos High School! Congrats Lyss!

Jeff's graduation from UVU! Congrats Jeff!

Me and Jeff at his graduation!

Fun times as Mr and Mrs Justin Losee

EAGLES CONCERT BABY!!!! I surprised Justin and bought him Eagles tickets for his birthday...he had no idea!! The concert was awesome...sitting next anyone from hardrockers, hicks, people who looked like they did drugs in their "days", people who looked like they still did drugs or looked like they belonged on stage!!! Needless to say it was an awesome concert!
Justin's first haircut from his wifey!!! I bet you didn't know I cut hair...haha, well...I DON"T!!! But Justin is bound and determined NOT to pay the $8 it costs a guy to get a haircut (which is rediculous when it costs us women $50 +to get one)and to have me cut it!! I've never taken a haircut class in my life! The most haircut I've given was shaving my dad's head (which is almost bald anyway) with the clippers.

Not too bad, eh??!!

On conference weekend in April we both got real sick! We pulled out the mattress, pillows, sparkling cider, box of tissues, and tried to breath as we watched conference. We could hardly take care of ourselves let alone eachother so we ended up crawling over to mama losee's to have her help nurse us back to health!

One of our many Thanksgivingg Point Dental Softball games!!! Our office put a team together and had a BLAST playing! From Kilee's dance moves/stretches on second base and Hayley's bruised legs from stopping the ball/catching behind homeplate to Justin's allstar throws from shortstop I'd have to say we had the best team out there!!!