PIG HUNTING BABY...Steph's first animal ever shot by a bow!!
Justin and I heading out bright and early for our pig hunt!!! We drove up past Tremonton where there were wild pigs and bighorn sheep we were hunting for!
Since I was the only girl with 5 men hunters all hunting they were all so gentlemanly and let me take the first shot at the first pig we saw. We snuck up to these 2 pigs that were running by the side of a river (which was partially frozen...the middle wasn't quite frozen but the edges were). We quietly crouched around the bend, I raised my bow, and let the arrow fly! PERFECT SHOT!!! Right where you wanna hit it....right in the vitals! The pig didn't drop right away, he actually ran out onto the river!! We were hoping he wouldn't go through the ice! Luckily he made his way back to the side without going through the ice and we claimed him!!I even helped clean out the pig! a girl who's not affraid of getting her hands dirty gutting a pig! (it just stunk a little that's all) One of the other hunters, Will, who shot the mother-load! His pig was 500 lbs!! The one I shot was a little 300 pounder! Still, they were no little, pink, curly-tailed piggies....only black, hairy and ugly instead!!
Justin and I officially met in April 2008. We were both playing on coed softball teams down in Provo, Utah. We hadn't been playing together but had seen and passed eachother here and there at the fields and at tourneys. Many of our mutual friends had wanted to set us up (long before we went out for the first time) and thought we'd be a perfect match! Once we met and DID go out we realized, as well as everyone "who told us so" we in deed were a perfect match! We dated April-November and were engaged Nov. 26th 2008, the day before Thanksgiving! We were married in the Mt Timpanogos Temple on March 13, 2009 for time and all eternity! We currently live in Draper, Utah and have a cute little house, barn, and a few animals--chickens, goat, and our favorite...a puppy! So far we have lived Happily Ever After.
"WHO KNEW??"-things we never knew til we got married!!!
-Justin has to have the house -100 degrees in the house!! It's freezing inside! Steph has to wear sweats all summer long inside or she'll freeze to death!!
-Girls SHED!! There is hair everywhere! Steph's long blonde hair seems to be everywhere but on her head!
-Justin is a neat freak!! One little mess or thing out of place and he kinda freaks out.
-Steph leaves little piles of....stuff....all over! Pile of shoes by the door, pile of clothes on the floor next to the hamper, pile of hair ties on the dresser, pile of papers on the table, pile of pens on the desk, the list goes on and on!
-Justin grinds his teeth at night and totally keeps Steph up! Who knew teeth grinding could be so loud! AND he snores!!!
-Steph is a zombie at night!!! If it is past 10:00 she is out of it! She is loopie and crazy moods start coming out. She doesn't do well on little sleep.
-Justin won't keep his toothbrush in the same cute little toothbrush holder as Steph's...he has to put it in the mirror cupboard all by itself.
-Steph can not cook! Uncooked chicken casserole, undone brownies, and mushy meatloaf....she's definitely still learning--and getting better:)
-If Justin doesn't get his ESPN or SportsCenter in at night he gets kinda testy. What's with guys and sportscenter!?
-Not only is Steph a zombie at night, she can not get herself out of bed in the morning! She hits the snooze button 10 times before she gets up!!
-Justin has to have the shower squeegied after every shower!!! No exceptions! No water spots in our shower!
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